Gospel Meetings

Gospel Meetings


Andy Brenton, Mark Broyles, Joseph Casimier, Dan Chaney, Josh Creel, Edwin Crozier, Bubba Garner, Bryan Gibson, John Gibson, Frederic Gray, Jeff Harwell, Kevin Heaton, Gary Henry, Brent Hunter, Jim Lee, Rick Liggin, Phil Robertson, Lon Spurgeon, David Thomley, Ralph Walker, Ken Weliever


  • August 31 - September 3, 2025 with Scott Smelser
  • Spring 2026 (Jeff May)
  • September 20-23, 2026 with Jacob Black
  • Spring 2027
  • Fall 2027 

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  Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
Some Qualities of Our Good God 03/12/25 Some Qualities of Our Good God Rick Liggin Lessons In Faith Wed PM 250312_Our_good_God.mp3
Tell Your Children What Actually Happened 03/11/25 Tell Your Children What Actually Happened Rick Liggin Lessons In Faith Tue PM 250311_tell_the_children.mp3
Crucified and Raised: The Heart of the Gospel 03/10/25 Crucified and Raised: The Heart of the Gospel Rick Liggin Lessons In Faith Mon PM 250310_The_heart_of_gospel.mp3
The Prologue of Luke's Gospel 03/09/25 The Prologue of Luke's Gospel Rick Liggin Lessons In Faith Sun PM 250309_3_Prologue_of_Lukes_gospel.mp3
Belief Based on Objective Testimony 03/09/25 Belief Based on Objective Testimony Rick Liggin Lessons In Faith Sun Bible Study 250309_2_Belief_based_on_objective_testimony.mp3
The Fundamentals of the Gospel 03/09/25 The Fundamentals of the Gospel Rick Liggin Lessons In Faith Sun AM 250309_1_Fundamentals_of_the_gospel.mp3
Forgiven To Forgive 09/25/24 Forgiven To Forgive Andy Brenton Dare To Differ - The Christ Called Life Wed PM 240925_Forgiving.mp3 6-Forgiven_to_Forgive-SN.pdf
Can God Really Forgive Me? 09/24/24 Can God Really Forgive Me? Andy Brenton Dare To Differ - The Christ Called Life Tue PM 240924_Forgive.mp3 5-Can_God_Really_Forgive_Me-SN.pdf
Do All Roads Lead To Heaven? 09/23/24 Do All Roads Lead To Heaven? Andy Brenton Dare To Differ - The Christ Called Life Mon PM 240923_Paths.mp3 4-Do_All_Roads_Lead_To_Heaven-SN.pdf
Is Church Membership Essential? 09/22/24 Is Church Membership Essential? Andy Brenton Dare To Differ - The Christ Called Life Sun PM 240921_Membership_essential.mp3 3-Is_Church_Membership_Essential.pdf 3-Is_Church_Membership_Essential-SN.pdf
What Does God Expect Of Me Anyway? 09/22/24 What Does God Expect Of Me Anyway? Andy Brenton Dare To Differ - The Christ Called Life Sun Bible Study 240922_What_does_God_expect_of_me.mp3 2-What_Does_God_Expect_of_Me.pdf
How Good Do I Have To Be? 09/22/24 How Good Do I Have To Be? Andy Brenton Dare To Differ - The Christ Called Life Sun AM 240922_How_good_do_I_have_to_be.mp3 1-How_Good_Do_I_Have_To_Be-SN.pdf
Sanctification In Conduct 09/21/24 Sanctification In Conduct Kent Heaton Sanctification - 1 Peter 3:15 Sat PM 240921_Conduct.mp3 Sermon_Notes_240921_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_Conduct.pdf 240921_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_conduct.pdf
Sanctification In Fear 09/20/24 Sanctification In Fear Kent Heaton Sanctification - 1 Peter 3:15 Fri PM Sermon_Notes_240920_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_Fear.pdf 240920_Fear.MP3 240920_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_fear.pdf
Sanctification In Suffering 09/19/24 Sanctification In Suffering Kent Heaton Sanctification - 1 Peter 3:15 Thur PM Sermon_Notes_240919_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_Suffering.pdf 240919_Suffering.mp3 240919_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_suffering.pdf
Sanctification In Trusting 09/18/24 Sanctification In Trusting Kent Heaton Sanctification - 1 Peter 3:15 Wed PM Sermon_Notes_240918_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_Trusting.pdf 240918_Trust.MP3 240918_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_trusting.pdf
Sanctification In Character 09/17/24 Sanctification In Character Kent Heaton Sanctification - 1 Peter 3:15 Tue PM 240917_Character.mp3 Sermon_Notes_240917_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_Character.pdf 240917_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_character.pdf
Sanctification In Action 09/16/24 Sanctification In Action Kent Heaton Sanctification - 1 Peter 3:15 Mon PM Sermon_Notes_240916_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_Action.pdf 240916_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_In_Action.pdf 240916_Action.MP3
Sanctification In Hope 09/15/24 Sanctification In Hope Kent Heaton Sanctification - 1 Peter 3:15 Sun PM Sermon_Notes_240915c_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_Hope.pdf 240915c_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_hope.pdf 240915_FT_WHITE_Sanctification_in_Hope.mp3
Love One Another 03/13/24 Love One Another Ken Weliever BELONGING TO ONE ANOTHER Wed PM 240313_Weliever.mp3 6.OneAnother.Love.WS.pdf 6._LoveOneAnother.pdf

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