

Preaching From God's Word

"All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16)

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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
Walking With God 06/30/21 Walking With God Jerad Black Sermon N/A Wednesday Worship 210630_Walking_With_God.mp3
Who Do You Say That I Am 06/27/21 Who Do You Say That I Am Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Sun AM 210627_Who_Do_You_Say_That_I_Am.pptx 210627_Who_Do_You_Say_That_I_Am.mp3 210627_Who_Do_You_Say_That_I_Am_Interactive.pdf
He Gave the Church Teachers 06/23/21 He Gave the Church Teachers Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Wednesday Worship 210623_He_Gave_the_Church_Teachers.pptx 210623_He_Gave_the_Church_Teachers.mp3 210623_He_Gave_the_Church_Teachers_Interactive.pdf
The Legacy of the Rechabites 06/20/21 The Legacy of the Rechabites Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Sun AM 210620_The_Legacy_of_the_Rechabites.pptx 210620_The_Legacy_of_the_Rechabites.mp3 210620_Legacy_of_the_Rechabites_Interactive.pdf
Modesty 06/16/21 Modesty Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Wednesday Worship 210616_Modesty.pptx 210616_Modesty.mp3
Make A Stand In the Field 06/13/21 Make A Stand In the Field Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Sun AM 210613_Make_A_Stand_In_the_Field-1623761143.mp3 210530_Make_A_Stand_In_the_Field_Interactive.pdf 210530_Make_A_Stand_In_the_Field.pptx
Micah 06/09/21 Micah Everritt Heaton Sermon Minor Prophets Wednesday Worship 210613_Make_A_Stand_In_the_Field.mp3 210609_Micah_Minor_Prophet_Study.pptx 210609_Micah_Minor_Prophet_Study.mp3
Rise & Build: Seeing Value of Assembling 06/06/21 Rise & Build: Seeing Value of Assembling Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Sun AM 210606_Rise__Build_Value_of_Assembling.pptx 210606_Rise__Build_Value_of_Assembling_Interactive.pdf 210606_Rise__Build_Seeing_the_Value_in_Assembling.mp3
Doers of the Word, Not Hearers Only 06/02/21 Doers of the Word, Not Hearers Only P.J. Fox Sermon N/A Wednesday Worship 210602_P.J.mp3
Faith, Opinions, Expediencies 05/30/21 Faith, Opinions, Expediencies Eric Sanders Sermon N/A Sun AM 210530_Eric.mp3
What Hedge Surrounds You? 05/23/21 What Hedge Surrounds You? Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Sun AM 210523_What_Hedge_Surrounds_You_Interactive.pdf 210523_What_Hedge_Surrounds_You.pptx 210523_What_Hedge_Surrounds_You.mp3
Tell Them the Story 05/16/21 Tell Them the Story Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Sun AM 210516_Tell_Them_the_Story.pptx 210516_Tell_Them_the_Story.mp3 210516_Tell_Them_the_Story_Interactive.pdf
A Miracle In Cana 05/09/21 A Miracle In Cana Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Sun AM 210509_A_Miracle_In_Cana.pptx 210509_A_Miracle_In_Cana.mp3 210509_A_Miracle_In_Cana_Interactive.pdf
Navigating Social Media (3) 05/05/21 Navigating Social Media (3) Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Wednesday Worship 210505_Navigating_Social_Media_3.mp3 210428_Navigating_Social_Media_3.pptx 210428_Navigating_Social_Media_3_Interactive.pdf
Rise & Build: Expecting Opposition 05/03/21 Rise & Build: Expecting Opposition Everritt Heaton Sermon 2021: Rise & Build Sun AM 210502_Rise_and_Build_Expecting_Opposition.mp3 210502_Rise__Build_Expecting_Opposition_Interactive.pdf 210502_Rise__Build_Expecting_Opposition.pptx
Recognizing Jesus 04/25/21 Recognizing Jesus Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Sun AM 210425_Recognizing_Jesus.pptx 210425_Recognizing_Jesus.mp3 210425_Recognizing_Jesus_Interactive.pdf
Navigating Social Media (2) 04/21/21 Navigating Social Media (2) Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Wednesday Worship 210421_Navigating_Social_Media_2.pptx 210421_Navigating_Social_Media_2.mp3 210421_Navigating_Social_Media_2_Interactive.pdf
Evangelism: First Things First 04/18/21 Evangelism: First Things First Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Sun AM 210418_Evangelism_Answering_First_Things_First.pptx 210418_Evangelism_Answering_First_Things_First.mp3
Navigating Social Media (1) 04/14/21 Navigating Social Media (1) Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Wed PM 210414_Navigating_Social_Media.pptx 210414_Navigating_Social_Media.mp3
Prodigal Love 04/11/21 Prodigal Love Everritt Heaton Sermon N/A Sun AM 210411_Prodigal_Love_Interactive.pdf 210411_Prodigal_Love.pptx 210411_Prodigal_Love.mp3

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