News About Us

News About Us

Who Are We?

The Trenton Church of Christ is a family of individuals and families seeking closer relationships with God and each other.  We use the term family because each member is a brother or sister in Christ, a relationship that defines our role and purpose in Christ's kingdom.  Our love for God and each other is evident in everything we do together, within and outside our collective worship.  We are not perfect people or a perfect family.  We are a family that seeks to bring Christ to our broken lives and allow Him to fix, mold, and use us to God's glory and His will.

We have no allegiance to any religious body except that of Christ.  We are not governed by any outside organization.  Following Biblical example, we are responsible for our own worship and work, striving for the unity of believers and looking to Biblical examples for our church practices.  Hence, we seek to worship God in the same manner as the early New Testament churches, teaching as they taught and being what they were -- followers of Christ committed to bringing His truth to the world.

We hope you will come and worship with us as you have the opportunity.  We hope you will find our collective worship edifying and that you feel welcome in the time you spend with our family.


Some of the things we engage in as a family:

  • Worship Sunday morning (9:30) and Wednesday evening (7:00).
  • Bible classes for all ages Sunday morning (11:00).
  • Bible studies each Sunday evening at the building and in the homes.
  • Ladies weekly Bible Study Thursday (10:00).
  • Ladies Visitation (monthly).
  • Leadership meetings each Tuesday (9:00).
  • Deacons meet on the first Sunday of each month.
  • Group Meetings every eight weeks.
  • Congregational song service every eight weeks.
  • On the 4th Wednesday night of the month, two men present lessons.
  • Articles appear in the Gilchrist Informer each month.
  • Articles appear in the Gilchrist Herald each week.
  • Advertising:
    • Akins Bar-B-Q (daily multiple times)
    • Gilchrist Informer newspaper (monthly)
    • Gilchrist Herald newspaper (weekly)
    • Chiefland Citizen newspaper (weekly)
  • The house-to-house flyer is mailed to 1300 mailboxes monthly in the Trenton postal code.
  • Around thirty welcome letters are mailed each month to new movers.
  • Numerous Bible Correspondence Courses are active.
  • Ladies organize meal needs within the congregation.
  • Men's studies each month (special studies / Cross-Training classes)
  • Families are engaging with the young people of the church family monthly.



Living With Loss